Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The road to walking!

A few months ago, Jake got RGO's (reciprocating gait orthotics).  The RGO's are kinda big but what they help him do is AWESOME!!!  He can stay standing on his own...once we stand him up...and with some assistance, he can take steps!!!  It's so great to see this kind of progress.  Now, we have to figure out which walker will be best for him to use.  We've gone to Shriner's and tried the Crocodile which worked really well.  Today we're going to RIC to try at least one or two others.  It's more about determining which arm configuration will work more than the walker itself.  We're obviously looking for a walker that is easily portable, relatively lightweight,  and has nice wheels that will take to being off the sidewalk.  Jake does enjoy "off-roading"!!! At school we're also going to do a trial with the KidWalk so that we have all our bases covered.

Jake started school the day after his 3rd birthday in April.  It has been the best thing for him!  His speech has improved leaps and bounds.  He's putting sentences together and we can understand most of what he says.  Lately, most things have been focused on Buzz Lightyear and flying!  Typical boy!

That's all for now!

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