Saturday, November 20, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Yep, things have been busy!  Jake goes to school - the morning session - everyday.  It's 2.5 hours plus the bus ride...which is his FAVORITE!!!  At school he's really engaged and doing great.  He gets Speech, OT & PT both in an out of school so his schedule is crazier than ever.  And...he loves cruising around in his powerchair.  Now that we have our inflatable turkey up in front of the house, he stops in front of the turkey when he gets off the bus to say hi.

Over the last month and a half or so, Jake has had a series of ear "infections", sinus infections and colds.  Unfortunately, we believe it's all due to his craniofacial structure.  He had a full head CT about a month ago and we're anxiously awaiting the results from the doc.  In the meantime, Jake had his second dentist appointment.  That appointment could turn out to be extremely pivotal.  While taking pictures in Jake's mouth, the dentist has given us visual confirmation of a cleft in his palate.  Up to this point, the docs were 3 to 2 (yes, we've had 5 different opinions!) against a cleft.  Now that we KNOW that there's some kind of hole, we can get moving on repairing it.  The location of the cleft is most likely playing a BIG role in Jake's continuous sinus issues.  So, this is HUGE!!!

On other fronts, Jake has been using his RGO's everyday and with assistance, is taking steps.  We've gone through the walker evaluation (and he's be doing a trial at school of the KidWalk).  And, we've ordered a walker for just waiting for it to get approved and delivered!  As for the KidWalk, we have to help the school district decide if it's a worthwhile purchase.  He does great in it when he's on tile, hardwood or anything but carpet.  The catch is, in his classroom, it's mostly carpet and they do spend a good deal of time on the floor!  Decisions, decisions!!!

We've officially joined the Congregational United Church of Christ of Arlington Heights and are finally going to get Jake baptized...better late than never!  It's such an amazing congregation, we're so happy to have found it!

That's all for now!  Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

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